Of all the things that could come from ending cannabis prohibition, Hemp could be cheap and abundant to make new homes and apartments cheaper without cannabis prohibition. There could be more places to be able to rent without cannabis prohibition. People could be living in better living conditions cheaper. There could be fair competition in business without cannabis prohibition. A lot of homes and apartments are made with toxic building materials some of which are not biodegradable and are linked to cancer and other health problems. Since Hemp is biodegradable and a better building material to use, why would anyone not support helping make Hemp cheap and abundant so more people would be able to live in better living conditions cheaper?

Some landlords actually don't allow people to rent if they have poor credit history, doesn't matter if the credit card companies had the value of the money that was being loaned out people manipulate the environment and one after, sometimes trying to find a place to live is not easy, who wants to live in a motel? There is a lot of social control against peoples freedom, without cannabis prohibition people might actually pay their debts of faster. Hemp can also be converted into biodegradable forms of energy so energy prices could also be cheaper, are people plotting to get energy from fossil fuels and ignore how hemp could be cheap to make fossil fuels obsolete?

I think people would like the idea of cheaper apartment complexes made with Hemp to rent to people for cheaper. I am not rich to be able to have an apartment made from Hemp to be able to rent to people who have poor credit history to live better for less. I was surprised when I learned credit card companies never had the value of the money that is loaned out, can you blame not everyone having good credit with all the problems? Solutions don't have to be ignored so people can live in better living conditions.

There are people that get denied a fair chance to live for not having good credit, sometimes someone might not have credit and not able to rent without someone else signing as well. The evil social control is insane, people who work hard and pay their bills get denied a fair chance. Some landlords over charge and basically people are over paying to live all this time there could be more places for people to be able to rent an apartment cheaper as opposed to limited business and limited economy. Corrupt politicians never had mercy signing insane laws and regulations into effect that keep the cost of living high without science.