So while some governments have actually banned the death penalty, The Trump Administration has announced the Death Penalty for "some" Drug Dealers who may be killing people selling dangerous opiate drugs. Not only does the death penalty demonstrate a lack of empathy towards human life, but the lack of morals and values in society how this is even acceptable at all, by anyone. Yes there is an opiate crisis, and there are solutions to provide help for people who are addicted, killing people isn't a good idea to solve the crisis. There are people who end up selling dangerous opiates to support their use, even killing drug cartel leaders who sell fentanyl is not a good strategy to solve the problem and may actually be counter productive to solving the problem.

People addicted to dangerous opiates like fentanyl or heroin aren't going to care if they live or die as much as a sober person, more people will fill the gaps of dealers that get executed. Bigger dealers end up selling cleaner drugs so the Trump administrations plan could literally lead to even more contaminated drugs and more deaths from illegal drugs, seems the policies may target the bigger dealers but leave opportunity for others. Policies of The Trump administration reject safe medicine (cannabis) from being cheap to save lives, hundreds of thousands of people are dying every year in The United States Of America alone from health problems which cannabis could heal and provide relief, millions of people are being denied medicine that saves lives, is this a democracy because a lot of people do not want the death penalty, even for murderers because an eye for an eye will leave a lot of people blind and unable to solve problems.
I show empathy towards human life, do you? The Communists and Nazis killed people for no reason, the Nazis also killed people for consuming drugs if they weren't in the secret government. What if the Trump administration is going to have people receive the death penalty even when they are not actually physically killing people or guilty? Some people already receive life in prison and later the authorities find out they were innocent, how can we be sure people are not going to be executed for no reason?
The Philippines is one of the worst countries around the world which murders people for consuming or selling drugs, the totalitarian government in The Philippines is murdering thousands of people from the same kind of evil we seen in fascist Nazi Germany and the communist Soviet Union. Totalitarian governments are against having solutions to save lives and have people murdered from failed policy, which doesn't even work very well. Governments actually ignore science how cannabis heals sick people, which actually leads to more people assuming the real dangerous drugs might not be so bad.
If people did any research and looked at how many people died from drugs, more people die from other problems in our society than drugs, fossil fuels and meat products kill more people than all the drugs in the world, you don't see the Trump administration wanting the death penalty for selling meat, meat may not be as bad as meth, heroin or fentanyl in terms of addiction, but clearly over the years meat is causing millions of Americans to die from preventable health problems, thousands and thousands of Americans die every year from preventable health problems, millions of people around the world die of health problems that cannabis could help with. Cannabis could be saving a lot more lives if the government did not ignore science and prevent fair competition in business!
So will the Trump administration look at science and care if cannabis is cheap to save lives? Time will tell, so far Trump has not shown he cares if cannabis is cheap to save lives and make a sustainable resource abundant to make cleaner energy than fossil fuels. It's unlikely government will have the death penalty for selling cannabis, but still the government is ignoring science how cannabis is safe, and cannabis is being compared to hard drugs...if they do it for really dangerous drugs, and they are lying about cannabis, there are enough evil politicians if science with cannabis keeps getting suppressed we may have to deal with corrupt politicians who want to introduce the death penalty for cannabis and forget about science how cannabis heals sick people. Some politicians have already advocated the death penalty for cannabis over the years, lets hope things don't get out of control. Hopefully The United States Of America can remain a democracy and not become the biggest mass murderers of drugs dealers in the world.