What do people hope to accomplish by storming Area 51? Not the brightest idea to get people hurt.
Sign said "Use of Deadly force is authorized" The media is keeping my documentary Antimatter Future a secret It's possible the Storming Area 51 thing might be another staged conspiracy event that leads to less people being interested in the truth from another distraction.
Even if people somehow get past the ARMED military personnel without too many people getting injured or killed, what the hell are people going to do in the middle of the damn desert not being able to get into the building complex and having to deal with the military! Sounds like an expensive trip and money making opportunity...
Many people might just be supporting Storm Area 51 just for the laughs and meme's, it's unlikely a million people will actually go, flights would be booked and companies would make lots of profit, vendors would show up just to sell stuff and turn it into a something like a carnival. When Occupy Wall Street didn't work out you would think people would learn...Are people there smart enough to bring enough water or will more people gonna get sick or die from dehydration than from the US military? I hope not, Area 51 is a MUCH more dangerous environment and situation has the potential to make the G20 protests in Toronto look peaceful by comparison if it went that far.
The United States is not the enemy as much as I show how the US government is corrupt and undermining how Hemp can replace fossil fuels, they are not the bad guys as portrayed by communist China, have you noticed the agenda leading to suppress national sovereignty in favor of the UN climate change agenda? Other governments are communist dictatorships that don't respect human rights the USA lets in a lot of immigrants more than a lot of countries! We can beat the secrecy agenda without even stepping a foot on Area 51, does storm Area 51 sound like a money grab now?
Many UFO sightings could be related to research I provide in my
YouTube channel, many UFO sightings in the past were from the stealth aircraft and we all know that was kept secret!
The fact the documentary Antimatter Future is not talked about should give you a hint what the powers that be want to get support! Even if the US government wants to keep Area 51 a secret, if Antimatter Future had support then there would be support for developing more efficient travel with antimatter! Then we might get some real development or maybe the US government would declassify some of their research. I would be surprised to find out the United States is not developing antimatter propulsion.