The Communist Party of China have been trying to invade a lot of countries and take more land that's not theirs anymore, in different parts of the world including in Japan, India, Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand and more. China is trying to regain what it believes is it's rightful place as a global leader.
The Director of the FBI Christopher Wray said "China is engaged in a whole-of-state effort to become the world's only superpower by any means necessary." Chinese nationalists, journalists and it appears diplomats as well have been saying the city of Vladivostok in Russia used to or should belong to China. Vladivostok used to be part of the Qing dynasty and before that Russia And China had dispute over the land.

Vladivostok was founded in 1860 as a Russian military outpost being a strategic location after China signed the territory away. Since China lost the territory, it's not theirs anymore, this is history this has nothing to do with people alive today. China just can't take over land that's not theirs. England was once invaded by Rome, you don't see Italy trying to reclaim most of Europe!

Considering the Communist Party of China is involved in many racketeering conspiracies around the world, with all the pressure to claim land as China's, don't be surprised if China tries to claim it as their's. Christopher Wray also said
"China is engaged in a highly sophisticated malign foreign influence campaign, and it's methods include bribery, blackmail and covert deals." you need to see the full interview to really understand how far China will go to disrupt life.