Mainstream media is not really countering all the Anti-trans hate enough as they should. By comparison Fox News alone puts out a lot of anti-trans content. So what is the mainstream media doing? Why won't CBC, CNN, CTV or other media interview me and cover my story which proves transgender isn't some "woke ideology" I grew up without all the information we have today, I had no idea hormone replacement therapy was a thing when I was a child I just wished I could wake up a girl, I tried to suppress that part of me for decades and it scares me to see a rise in anti-trans hate which makes it harder for some trans people to come out or start their journey. It's also scary to see a lot of anti-trans hate in the media and I barely see any mainstream media by comparison telling our side of the story, why won't mainstream media cover my story? Transphobic people assume that just 1 pair of chromosomes somehow determine our gender, it's not black and white as the extremists would assume. DNA is known to have imperfections, DNA expression is important too, we can only photograph chromosomes during a transitional phase of DNA!
It's not unrealistic to suggest a girl can be born in the wrong body with the wrong chromosomes and it's unfair to cis-women for transphobic bullies to go around trying to define what a woman is, some woman are not born with ovaries or what typically makes a woman a woman, so transphobes are literally out there making fun of cis-women who aren't "perfect" I've heard a lot of stories of cis-women being misgendered now so the transphobes are going way too far, so far I had to stop watching Blaire White's YouTube videos in the past year because I can't stand all the transphobic bullies attacking me in her videos in the comments, shes trans by the way and very popular. She actually feeds some bad information to her transphobic followers fueling the anti-trans hate, she may not be doing that intentionally but it's happening regardless if she wants it or not. Caitlyn Jenner too has made some mistakes not properly representing the trans community, our existence. Anti-trans content gets views, haters don't do any research have no empathy and will believe the anti-trans misinformation without thinking twice.
Gender dysphoria is very real and HRT is proven medicine that helps and saves lives. I've experienced gender dysphoria a lot before I started HRT and it was horrible didn't even feel like living anymore, no will to live, didn't care if someone almost ran me over. I care now. I've always been like this and tried to hide it for the longest time so it was extra hard for me to get over the denial. As puberty set in the gender dysphoria started to get really bad, I skipped school a lot in high school and many people including some teachers bullied me made fun of me because I was different. Trans people aren't just "pretending" to be a woman, transphobes have NO Empathy they don't even care to try and understand they are so riled up with hate and sure act like they don't, I've heard people make transphobic remarks then claim they aren't making transphobic remarks, that's called denial.
I've only got over 500 news articles on this website since 2015, I made the documentary Overpriced in 2016 and the upcoming space documentary Antimatter Future. Do I not matter? Trans people do matter and it's like both sides of the political spectrum are ignoring truth, I talked about the cost of living crisis in 2016 when nobody cared when I seen it was starting to get out of control, I talked about the housing crisis in 2016, where was Fox News? Where was CNN? Where was CBC? CBC actually REFUSED to report news about me even though they take my tax dollars they wanted to exploit me to have me pay money for them to talk but they sure interview other filmmakers and musicians who didn't pay...
There has been a lot of misinformation about trans women in sports too. A cis-woman, Katie Ledecky swam a whole 9 Seconds faster than Lia Thomas did in the 500 Freestyle NCAA, Katie swam 4:24 years ago, 9 seconds faster than Lia Thomas who is trans and got 4:33. How come trans people have been in the Olympics since 2004 and you can barely even find a single gold medal winner...where are all our gold medals if we have such an advantage. In "theory" it might sound like we have an advantage because of bone structure, but bone structure works with muscles, and when trans women transition we lose that muscle and strength. The trans weightlifter who "broke records" was in her own weight class, because most women never fell into that class she broke that record but did not beat anyone else thats not how that sport works there are different classes for weight because its unfair to have somebody who weighs more compete against someone who isn't. Every sport is unique, sure some sports we may have a slight advantage but lets have the debate on science, not hate. I'm all for having more science to determine if we have any advantage, study all the professional sports determine if a handicap is needed to "even things out" other sports already use handicaps, it's not radical to suggest if trans women have a proven advantage in a sport we should have handicaps to even things out, that would be a better solution than banning trans women in sports, and may be easier to convince some anti-trans people of handicaps than doing nothing to address their concerns.
People shouldn't have to suppress how they feel, I no longer experience the extreme depression I had. I'm not a Liberal supporter too I see a lot of misinformation trying to categorize trans people as "communist" or part of a WEF agenda, which is ridiculous the WEF has been advocating corrupt policies to increase the cost of living which in turn makes it harder for trans people who experience discrimination and hate. After the Buffalo shooting it won't surprise me if the anti-trans hate literally fuels another mass shooting murdering innocent people based on misinformation. Republicans have gone very anti-trans in the past 2 years really reaching a lot of radical religious extremists who take the Bible way to literal and twist it to fit their narrative. Doesn't god say to love thy neighbor? Why are religious Republican supporters going against the bible and even going against the very Constitution they claim to care about and the Declaration of Independence? Everyone has the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, in the past 2 years alone hundreds of anti-trans bills have been introduced literally opposing trans rights, literally against the foundation of America respecting liberty, life and the pursuit of happiness, bullies don't want trans people to live in peace and have happiness with equal rights, in fact some of those hardcore transphobic extremists absolutely hate seeing any pro-trans bill protecting our rights.
Conspiracy theories are trying to claim trans is somehow a globalist communist agenda, yet trans people have existed for thousands of years before communism. I've been exposing communism, I told the truth about January 6 because I can't stand misinformation and the mainstream media have been spreading a lot of misinformation against Trump which has fueled his supporters. Trump was a little transphobic before 2020, after by comparison very transphobic now you hear Trump attacking trans people at rallies and trying to call it radical "gender ideology" it's because Trump and Republicans have gotten a lot of support from religious extremists who are turning out to vote and support thats why Trump rallies and Republican events have got more "religious." A number of Republicans support trans rights but the radicals are pushing religious extremism trying to divide people. I'll call out both Republicans and Democrats because unlike some people, I'm actually not biased. I criticize everyone when it's deserved.
The extremists are against the principles the United States was founded on: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. I transitioned to do something about my gender dysphoria, the more I think I was barely hanging in there, if I wasn't so smart and educated about space and have solutions in the documentary Antimatter Future, I don't know if I would be alive to write this, like I said before I didn't care if someone almost ran me over in the past I suppressed my own emotions for decades, bullies are literally out there telling trans people to "get back in the closet" and other rude remarks, in fact some bullies are trying to get trans people to commit suicide by encouraging it. The lack of respect for human life is absolutely scary.