Where is the hurry to have more clinical trials studying cannabis which is already known to help covid-19? Aren't the media and governments trying to combat covid-19? Or have solutions to save lives been ignored to favor big pharma? Some media will claim there isn't enough science or that there somehow isn't any, but the reality is one study went through phases and in 2021 entered clinical trials and there is plenty of science showing potential, lots of media might have reported on a few science studies since 2020 but they don't talk about the information after by doing so they convince people the information is not worth their time. One study "Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants" shows cannabis can help with emerging variants. Where is the hurry to have more clinical trials or find out the results? Nobody seems concerned at all! If another bad covid wave comes back more people will want more lockdowns even though it may bankrupt the country quite literally, the economy is already dealing with bad inflation, too many people are living paycheck to paycheck we are vulnerable and nobody seems concerned about making sure we aren't by supporting truth. Governments are claiming to care about the environment and either banning or restricting people from healing the environment by growing cannabis outdoors in the soil. Cannabis growing has become not so environmentally friendly in the legal cannabis industry opposing outdoor growing as much as possible, it's absolutely insane how society is anti-cannabis but wanted to force vaccines on people.

Think about these turn of events:
1. We find out about covid-19
2. World Health Organization bizarrely claimed covid-19 has no human to human transmission (it does)
2. Communist China ban travel WITHIN China but not yet internationally
3. Other Countries introduce lockdowns and mandates
4. Vaccine development begins given special permission to not have to go through vigorous testing as usually done with vaccines
5. Science suggests cannabis can help with covid-19 this receives mainstream media coverage but no special treatment given to investigate covid-19
6. Vaccine is introduced and becomes mandatory in many countries
7. More waves more lockdowns

Covid-19 has not gone away, the vaccine does not prevent infection, the new variants are making the vaccine less effective. What happened to the science of cannabis? Society acted like it didn't exist for the most part even though there are many dozens of science studies and some to clinical trials! Science already proves cannabis helps with a wide variety of health problems, why is that out of the question cannabis can saves lives, reduce hospitalizations and save lives? If someone is already at risk from a health problem science shows cannabis can help with, how is it that out of the question cannabis can possibly save their life if they get covid-19? People are dying, science is being ignored. I've been advocating this for years now, honest media like this does not get much support at all, just look at how many views, pathetic right? Why do I even bother? I see eventually people will care and read the older articles and really realize how corrupt society is.

The same ignorant mainstream media who denied cannabis had medical value decades ago when there was science, have convinced people and governments that there isn't any need to find out the science of cannabis and covid-19 there is no concern they don't bring it up after initially reporting on it, its like the last page news how they report it. Wheres is the rush by society to want to save lives? Nobody seems to give a crap and that's scary, countries are moving towards totalitarianism, and if the Freedom Convoy earlier this year wasn't a clear demonstration how corrupt the country is to ban people from working who aren't vaccinated and then take their lives away, and then arrest them for protesting the corrupt mandates, then sadly you might believe government propaganda, and that's also scary how people are so divided against truth, science of cannabis saving lives has been ignored for decades, hemp seeds can end global hunger but people are so corrupt they want to keep restrictions against Hemp farming and treat it like cannabis. Canada used to be known for standing up for human rights and what a corrupt country even the people try and suppress this information from getting heard a lot. I'm Canadian been trying to share truth to save lives for over a decade, save our democracy and planet, almost nobody I know in Canada actually like my YouTube videos or share my content I created, people sure supported the Freedom Convoy and so did I, but all the streamers ignored me saying we need more public pressure on governments and media about science with cannabis. Enough BS, if your just afraid kids will find out, what's more important, destroying kids future or being honest? Adults can have their medicine right? The strains that help with covid aren't even high THC so I don't get the fear and paranoia against cannabis helping with covid-19, fairly certain they can make it work with no high too so again whats the fear? Is destroying everyone's future really worth preventing more people from learning the truth? The CBC get my tax dollars and keep this information out of discussion as much as possible. You don't see many heavy cannabis consumers in the ICU with covid-19 where is the science studying that? Exactly, I thought society cared about saving lives and it seems people turn a blind eye to cannabis saving lives and not care to find out even when science shows lots of potential.

In a free country how does science of cannabis helping covid get ignored and people are forced to get vaccines or lose their jobs then arrest people for protesting the corrupt mandates? The answer that doesn't happen in an actual free country, in a free country non-vaccinated don't get segregated, in a free country the government doesn't violate it's own laws to suppress peaceful protest! In a free country government doesn't ignore science of cannabis and try and force the vaccines when the science shows cannabis can help reduce hospitalizations and save lives as well! It would take a high degree of control to keep this information out of discussion and that's exactly what has been happening. So many people in Canada work for the government it's mind boggling how many people oppose truth and work for the government and don't support independent Canadian owned media. Clearly governments aren't concerned to find out if cannabis helps with covid-19, no rush to find out no rush for more clinical trials even though there is an abundance of science showing cannabis can save lives, and sadly a lot of people are just as corrupt as the government hence this won't get shared, barely anyone will read it. People are ignorant, we can save so many lives and improve more peoples lives worldwide, all it takes is people start caring and sharing truth! Don't let this get left out of discussion when covid is being talked about, why aren't people concerned? So many people who are fully vaccinated are anti-cannabis, some are so ignorant they won't use it even if it will save their life, don't see Trudeau or Biden eating cannabis edibles with low THC, they keep getting covid over and over again how many times do people need to get covid to start caring about finding out more about the science of cannabis helping save lives with covid-19? What if other than helping reduce hospitalizations and save lives it actually helps prevent infection even the slightest? Wheres the rush to find out? We haven't got enough science to say its not worth our time, we got more than enough science saying this needs to be investigated.

Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35007072/
Study into the effects of medical cannabis cultivars on COVID-19 virus advances to clinical study stage (2021) https://www.ulethbridge.ca/unews/article/study-effects-medical-cannabis-cultivars-covid-19-virus-advances-clinical-study-stage