Posted on October 13, 2022, 4:29 pm by Megan O'Howe
They are everywhere, people who warn of the World Economic Forum Great Reset are actually mostly ignoring and not supporting solutions in my YouTube Channel, these people blaming the WEF are not supporting Ceawe, social media platform and search engine I am making, it's functional yet almost the only people visiting the website are people trying to hack it. Don't see fellow truthers. Facebook has fact checks on a lot of stuff that is mostly true as admitted by the fact checks but won't put fact checks on anti-trans misinformation I debunk. I see a lot of anti-trans misinformation on Facebook and don't see a lot of trans content debunking it, the stuff I share doesn't seem to be shown because really barley anyone supports. S.O.S. the "truth movement" is rigged, I don't really have friends and family who support my business I've had for 7 years like how other YouTubers have friends and family who support them. It's obvious quite a number of people don't want me to compete and instead people support misinformation I debunk. I got solutions to literally reduce the cost of living in my channel everyone is dealing with a higher cost of living and inflation crisis, why won't people support solutions? Solutions need public support.
Kayne West spreads anti-Jewish hate and not just once and lots of media and people STILL SUPPORT HIM THUS SUPPORT RACISM IN 2022 and won't support a trans woman debunking misinformation. Lets see Ye apologize! Would he though? Radio stations should stop playing Kayne West's music to show a message they don't support racism but no instead radio and TV still glorify Kayne as if he is someone to aspire to be, he blames jewish people but he sure got really popular so that debunks the misinformation that Jews rule the world. This is now recorded history so people can have more reference for what happened during this time period you can't suppress truth forever people will learn of this.
A lot of people are anti-competitive, some even see solutions in my channel and don't want the world to be a better place, I know people who don't support my YouTube who tell me they believe the planet is overpopulated. If people took the solutions in my channel seriously 10 years ago Putin would not have got Russia so rich filling their war chest selling dirty energy, because people ignored solutions in my channel Putin had enough money to bomb and invade Ukraine. If we had developed energy independence and allowed renewable hemp energy to compete fairly then the global markets would have had alternatives to Russian energy. It took until this year when Russia invaded Ukraine for several countries to buy less or not buy Russian energy but Russia still has markets to sell to, and countries that want renewable energy are buying dirty energy so yeah why is the world still undermining hemp? Lots of countries are still buying stuff from communist China and not making superior biodegradable hemp products locally! Hemp plastic is stronger than steel! Stuff can be made to last again, hemp would be a cheaper source of biomass if it wasn't over-regulated and banned in so many countries. China wants to invade Taiwan, that would have a great impact on the global economy. Hemp can replace coal, coal is huge again because society isn't supporting truth. People who claim to oppose the WEF are mostly ignoring the very solutions that would prevent the WEF Great Reset portrayed by conspiracy theories. I've been exposing Putin for over a decade, I often showed pictures and let people think for themselves about what they see.
Even after I came out as trans in 2021 barely anyone supports my effort, barely anyone want this trans woman's business to compete. Anti-trans media have an unfair advantage, bullies are obviously giving frauds an advantage spreading misinformation, anti-trans are working collectively and barely any other trans women or "trans allies" are helping support me debunking the anti-trans misinformation, I thought discriminating against trans people was against YouTube's community guidelines and same with Facebook yet anti-trans misinformation is quite popular Facebook isn't putting fact checks on anti-trans misinformation. Obvious bias and goes to show Facebook isn't as trans friendly as you might have thought, why are they allowing anti-trans misinformation to reach lots of people and my posts barely reach anyone? Bullies are against trans rights and against trans people having a fair chance in society. Anti-trans are taking advantage of how the truth movement is scattered and divided, I expose both sides of the political spectrum so almost nobody supports truth. People say "if only the media was honest" but the fact is barely anyone actually supports honest media like I'm not afraid to criticize the people because I would rather be truthful so society can evolve and not be stuck in the past.
I'll keep documenting how society is against truth until I see otherwise, lots of people are fakes they pretend to be against cancel culture for example but then try and cancel you out of their lives because they took something you said out of context and refuse to listen to reason. Most people I know support their drug dealers more than supporting things I create (music, YouTube videos, news articles, documentaries, social media platform and search engine etc...) Friends support each other. I've consistently been on YouTube basically advocating the same solutions and antimatter space travel for over a decade, truth isn't getting support really if it was I would see it. I'm making the upcoming documentary Antimatter Future about space travel, how does this not have lots of support considering it's about some of the greatest mysteries in modern science? Help change things so truth gets more support. It starts with people like you and me, eventually we will be large in numbers and this world will find abundance.
Our resources are running out and solutions need support ASAP like now not 10 years from now, the world is at a critical point. Most people are basing their projections of the economy on the fact future global environmental disasters won't happen, more wars won't happen or escalate. The fact is our resources are going in decline, these trends will not work out well with people ignoring solutions to save the planet and save many species from extinction. This is not a case if civilization collapses that nature will return to how it was, it won't, we are a huge driver healing the planet right now, yes people caused a lot of damage and still are but we have solutions, except the catch is there is a limited time period. Governments seem to be taking climate change a little serious but not really because why undermine how hemp energy can bring a sustainable cycle into our energy production? I've watched society ignore the same solutions for over a decade, the same solutions are even more relevant today. Lots of people don't care about truth and it shows.