The authoritarian state of Florida has a mortality rate almost 3 times higher than New York! The far right lure people in with lies pretending blue states are more dangerous. Ron DeSantis acts like Florida is safer, but
the numbers from the CDC prove DeSantis wrong. Assault weapons were banned in the United States before, it works, the government didn't try and take people's legal guns then, so the whole fear of government taking their guns is nonsense. The truth is nobody needs an assault rifle at home, nobody needs military grade assault weapons for self defense, nobody needs a personal tank, nobody needs their own anti-aircraft weapons at home, those weapons were designed for war. Assault weapons as the name suggests is made for war for assault. There has been an insane amount of gun violence in the United States, even at schools! Instead of banning assault weapons, the extremist red states would rather look like an authoritarian dictatorship where students need to walk by armed guards to go to school, which won't even keep the kids safe if the shooters plan an attack on the guards first, states that legalized bullying trans people literally have adults abusing children legally somehow.
There were several shootings in Tennessee and the Republicans had a couple Democrat lawmakers expelled for joining an anti-gun protest!
Some of states that are opposed to restricting firearms are getting more violence, criminals and people who are not mentally stable should not be able to own firearms. Illegal guns are a problem too, but when all guns are legal it makes it harder to go after the illegal guns, which come over the border to places like Canada many illegal guns come from the USA that are used in crimes.
Kid Rock shot a gun at Bud Light cans for Bud Light supporting a trans person! That kind of insanity popularizing gun violence over trans people is appalling. Shooting bud light cans over hate towards trans people has nothing to do with protecting freedom. A lot of NRA supporters are Trump/MAGA supporters. Legal gun ownership is supposed to be responsible except you have a gun culture that still has a lot of the opposite of responsible and opposed to trans rights, Kid Rock can't even keep his cool without shooting a gun at Bud Light cans because they supported a trans person, if you think that is responsible behavior you got something wrong with you. The very people saying they want government out of their lives, want big government in peoples lives where parents can't even raise their kids and adults can't even make up their own minds with bans on trans care for adults literally starting to be passed in some red states in the USA already. The people opposed to trans rights don't want common sense gun control. Bans on trans rights have been passed in about a couple dozen states now in the USA, they want guns but not trans rights but claim to be for freedom. I see past their lies, how is it not obvious at this point?
You can't be for freedom and oppose trans rights, if your opposed to trans rights at all, your opposed to freedom. The far right lie a lot pretending they care about freedom, Ron DeSantis war on Disney shows how far he will go to oppose freedom and try and violate a contract which is unconstitutional! When states suppress companies for criticizing laws they pass, and suppress political opponents, that's literally moving towards more of a fascist authoritarian state.
Religious groups associated with the Catholic Medical Association have a faith based commitment opposed to ANY trans care.
Florida has banned so many books it's literally insane, it's hard enough to get kids to read anymore with technology, but to ban books some LGBT+ students might want to read is just a bully move. Adults in red states in the United States are literally bullying kids, that's how low they go. Biden and Trudeau got criticized for a trip to another country, Ron DeSantis just went to Japan on a luxurious trip but does not get as much criticism, the hypocrisy is clear as day. Ron DeSantis isn't against the establishment as he claims, he is the establishment! The establishment has been anti-LGBT+ for a very long time and after activism some governments started to not suppress people for being LGBT+. Now the establishment bullies are trying to bring back where the government is anti-trans and normalize bullying more. Politicians are claiming they are religious but they go against their own bible nowhere in the bible does it say don't love trans people and take away their rights, doesn't the bible say god loves all, love thy neighbor? There are clear examples of hate crimes, below is a link to some just in the United States.
Mississippi Man Pleads Guilty to Hate Crime for Murdering Transgender Victim Because of Her Gender Identity
Man Charged with Hate Crime and Obstruction and Second Man Charged with Obstruction Offenses Following Murder of Transgender Woman in South Carolina
Montana Man Convicted of Federal Hate Crimes and Firearms Charges for Shooting Intended to Rid Community of the Lesbian and Gay Members
So many people who claim to oppose government over-reach want massive government over-reach banning trans care, not just for kids, the goal is for all ages. Remember some kids who are not trans go on puberty blockers, Republicans "concern" over trans care for kids is missing the the fact that some kids who are not trans are allowed to go on the same puberty blockers trans kids can't now in many red states in the USA. There was a huge surge of anti-trans laws in the past few years alone, states weren't doing this years ago, all of a sudden a huge surge. The far right want to do the same thing the Nazis did banning any teaching of transgender/LGBT+ even some of the same anti-human language calling for eradication against Jewish people. Do they not teach the dangers of fascism in red states anymore or did they skip history class because they think they are cooler than trans people?