A like or heart on social media is showing a form of respect, friendship and love. Friends lift each other up, not ignore. It's not "just the internet" people are more open to express themselves online! People used to call each other over the phone before messaging online was possible, it wasn't "just the phone" why some 'friends' never called, it's not "just the internet" why some 'friends' don't like each others posts to lift each other up when they know their friend could use some kindness I wish I could say I have lots of friends who support my content debunking popular anti-trans misinformation, except I get almost no support I see basically no likes on most of my posts while anti-trans bullies against human rights get a lot of support. You can help combat the global fascist movement against trans rights by contacting politicians, supporting trans YouTube channels, Facebook pages, share truth.
I'm on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/@MeganOHowe If people watch and like my videos YouTube will show the videos to more people, there are a lot of channels and Facebook pages against trans rights spreading lies I debunk so we need more support to counter the misinformation. My channel isn't monetized I need 4k hours of watch time a year which I don't have, I barely have any friends who watch any of my videos or
read any of my news articles. Bullies are controlling the flow of information, democracy is at risk, this is not a drill we need any and all support we can get to combat the global fascist anti-trans movement.
Science shows there is more to gender in nature, it's not just male and female as the global fascist anti-trans movement claims, and when babies are born it's a process how the body and mind develop separately,
there are receptors in the brain that make the brain masculine and without a surge of testosterone in the womb the brain is feminine, not masculine. When the mind and body are different it causes gender dysphoria. The church used to deny science how the Earth was not the center of the universe.
Make no mistake several red states in the past few years have passed unconstitutional authoritarian anti-trans laws banning trans care and laws against womens rights and abortion, some states won't allow women to leave, some states are physically checking children's private parts or trying, the amount of big government control those red states are enforcing is outright Orwellian and anti-democratic, Florida has banned lots of books banned trans care for kids and suppresses political opponents as evidenced by Ron DeSantis war on Disney for opposing the Don't Say Gay bill. Uganda in Africa just legalized capital punishment for some people being gay/lgbt+. The authoritarian state of Texas not only spreads misinformation calling trans care for children "child abuse" while it's alright for cis-gender kids to go on the same puberty blockers, Texas wants to invade Mexico now as if the world hasn't seen enough invasions and colonialism. At first it was just kids the laws were targeting but now the far right are trying to get trans care banned for all ages, as if adults can't make up their own minds! Nazi Germany censored transgender/LGBT+ information and suppressed human rights, the Catholic Church helped the Nazis rise to power then claimed they didn't have intent and couldn't oppose the Nazis for genocide,
in 2023 Pope Francis spread misinformation saying "Gender ideology, at this time, is one of the most dangerous ideological colonizations." The pope is fueling genocidal language in 2023 not under Nazi rule! The Nazis mainly targeted Jewish people claiming they were a threat to society, the global fascist anti-trans movement today calls transgender a threat to society. Some lunatic at CPAC full of Trump supporters said "transgenderism must be eradicated from the public life entirely." When the internet came out information traveled around the world in an instant, it changed the world, helped with freedom, people today are trying to prevent information from being shared while the far right are literally calling for eradication! This is absolutely messed up on so many levels. The far right literally have intent for eradication, if you don't know
Kid Rock got triggered by Bud Light supporting a trans woman and Kid Rock shot a gun at Bud Light cans with a gun.

Some people seem to get the idea the internet is this distant reality not connected to real life but that misinformation causes hate to spread more on the internet because people don't think their actions online have anything to do with real life. Someone could be having a bad day and your like can mean the world to them. Trans people experience a lot of hate and discrimination, there is literally a global fascist movement against trans rights, trans people like me should be getting lots of support no questions asked at this point. The Nazis had spread their hate and misinformation even in the middle east, parts of Africa and around the world!
If people you know never like your posts but want something from you that is a big red flag, could you imagine people who watched you get beat up by bullies asking you for help after? There are a lot of people spreading hate and discriminating against trans people, the far right have literally declared war on trans people and trans activism. We need support. If you think your not trans it won't effect you think again, the far right just won't stop at eradicating trans people, quite a number of people believe misinformation claiming the planet is overpopulated when 1% of all land is used for cities. Corrupt people don't want solutions I show in the
documentary Antimatter Future I made to get support and actually make a difference in sustainability healing the environment to make sure the impact from climate change won't keep getting out of control from human activity. We can have a cheaper cost of living and develop space more, advance science and technology, everything made from oil and fossil fuels can be made from hemp which is biodegradable. You don't hear about the documentary from any of the media, the documentary actually advocates for trans/LGBT+ rights. I've tried contacting CBC and other media, Fox News hates truth they won't look at something a trans person made their money is invested in destroying our planet not trying to save it! We could have near perfect 100% asteroid protection why is this being ignored? I don't think the powers that be want hemp to compete fairly, otherwise there wouldn't be laws based off misinformation, hemp isn't dangerous it doesn't need to be over-regulated, treat it like any other food crop allow it to be cost effective as a biodegradable resource so we can not only stop buying stuff from China but have better longer lasting products and have a sustainable cycle of plants healing the environment breathing in co2 in the production cycles which we aren't getting now. Climate change denial is just getting ridiculous I live in Canada
it rained most of January! I'm almost 37 so I experienced normal winters for years it was not full of rain until lately my younger years are all memories of snow outside white Christmas until things started getting out of control.
I just can't seem to be able to trust guys who want to date but never like my posts, if you can't show love in the form of a like once a while, how can I expect love in a relationship? They are connected its not "just the internet" I'm a real human being, the hate against trans people online is in real life, it's one and the same just more visible online because more people aren't afraid to say things online vs real life.