Governments are either banning, restricting, or burning "illegal" cannabis/hemp plants down during a climate crisis = Climate change is an inside job. We have solutions, but big money interests don't rally behind solutions. Don't expect the wealthy to care about solutions, it seems some sociopaths delude themselves to think it's more profitable to exploit the working class undermining solutions. Governments have known for decades climate change is a serious threat. The U.S. government removed cannabis from the U.S. Pharmacopoeia in 1942 because of misinformation. Hemp paper, oils and fuel would have made petroleum obsolete. Using hemp as a raw material to make things would create a sustainable cycle of plants healing the environment, which we really aren't getting so much at all. We have a climate crisis we have to do something to tell our governments, politicians, and media to care. The more people who care then they have to care, solutions can't be ignored or we risk losing our democracy. How are we supposed to combat climate change when solutions get swept under the rug? Things will get worse, trends are more countries are developing more and are being influenced by industries such as the nuclear industry, fossil fuel industry or other industries, some want to go renewable but aren't in a financial position with much of it being expensive. Hemp is a better solution.
Some of the climate is changing naturally, but humans are literally the leading cause of warming our planet because society is so unsustainable. Poison industries lobbied against hemp long ago to get cannabis/hemp banned (they used racist propaganda to divide people against marijuana) poison industries still lobby governments and get involved in the education process at schools. Clean electricity can be generated from hemp way cheaper than nuclear energy and less CO2 emitted with no radioactive nuclear waste, nuclear plants produce lots of CO2 in construction and maintenance over the years.
Cannabis evolved during a time on Earth millions of years ago when CO2 levels were higher and CO2 levels dropped after! Cannabis is one of the most efficient plants breathing in CO2, grows faster than trees.
Don't even get me started on how I have literally had much of the same solutions in the sustainability documentary
Antimatter Future released in December 2022, in my same YouTube channel going back to 2011, and actually 2009 and 2010 but those videos were deleted years ago was just a slideshow of pictures before i got a better computer. My 2011 video
Antimatter Spacecraft Propulsion The Future Is Now has 240,565 views as of today, almost all of them from years ago. It got considerable views, if nobody in the scientific community or education did not see that where have they been? My latest documentary Antimatter Future has 363 views as of today, took a lot of hard work researching, actually realizing how the science works, filming, flying a drone so it looks cinematic, and being able to put together a
documentary. Science of dark matter propulsion isn't science fiction, the U.S. Navy released 3 official videos in 2020 of UFOs flying violating everything we currently think we understand about propulsion, dark matter and dark energy represents the hidden energy forces we can't see like how we see electromagnetic energy, a very small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum is visible light.
The science in
Antimatter Future can lead to multiple propulsion systems founded in nature and theory. Scientists already have missions to detect dark matter and dark energy, that could yield results in the near future, there is still a chance we have the data, it's just a matter of someone or some AI connecting the dots so to speak. I remember years ago walking home from work and seeing how a bird flew close in a parking lot blew my mind how the science is all there, and literally based in nature, scalability across density. The vortex is literally found all through nature. The film did take a decade to make and I did struggle with gender dysphoria and started transitioning in 2021 so I can not struggle with gender dysphoria, it really helped my focus and quality I wanted out of it.
Antimatter Future on YouTube