I love science, knowing science helps me spot lies and when media leave out important information. There is a climate crisis, no wonder some of the public don't take science seriously when there are popular science media literally supporting one of the leading causes of climate change and completely misleading people on so many levels. First of all, Big Think in their article titled "Humans will never eliminate animal agriculture — nor should we" are leaving out important information, not only does Big Think completely avoid the water crisis how the meat industry consumes a lot of water, water is even needed for cleaning after slaughter it's so inefficient. Lake Mead has been at record low levels, it's a serious issue. Over a billion people on Earth currently experience water scarcity, and growing! Think of all the heatwaves and record high temperatures, then consider demand for meat is growing, where is the water going to come from? What give the animals less? That's animal abuse. Whatever society is doing now has to change, and quick, Big Think do a real dis-service to humanity by publishing such an anti-science article that completely undermines climate change and how hemp can heal the environment, help repair soil, create oxygen and ozone, breathing in CO2, growing lots of hemp can help attract moisture and create rain via evapotranspiration. Trees take decades to mature, where is the effort to get hemp grown globally? They don't even care solutions to make a difference now are being ignored! Climate change is an urgent threat, in Big Thinks article people may get the idea climate change is not such an urgent concern that is actually is, wheres the concern to drastically reduce meat consumption like right away, not 10 years from now in the distant future, not next year, like today would be nice, then more people in the public will also do the right thing.

Big Think promotes meat as a source of food, clothing and fertilizer, but we can make better, sustainable food, clothing and fertilizer from hemp instead which uses less water and breathes in a lot of CO2 per acre, so why didn't they mention that? Hemp can help heal the environment and mushrooms help repair damaged soil turning non-arable land into arable land good for growing food crops. Corruption, dishonesty is unfortunately more common in this world than honesty, honest media like me don't get much support. Raising some animals on a farm as pets isn't such a bad idea, that's sustainable, but raising animals for food, clothes or other materials we can get from hemp is just cruel and unethical for a modern society. Farm animals are just like cats and dogs and have feelings too. Hemp seeds have more protein by weight compared to meat or fish, some strains of hemp can grow in 90 days, in the first week you have sprouts that can be eaten. A lot of media are corrupt and don't mind destroying our only planet Earth, lot of media and people don't mind if poor countries have lots of people dying of hunger, they don't care if more people go to food banks here in Canada, they try and justify mass production of meat which is not sustainable and supports animal abuse which is common in the meat industry, it's impacting human lives too. Meat production is so unsustainable and uses way more water than plant based, there are people starving in the developed world too, way too many resources are going to producing unsustainable food from meat.
The government subsidizes the meat industry, the leading cause of climate change... Climate change will cost economies more and more money, how much longer can governments get away with funding one of the industries responsible for climate change? Fossil fuels are a focus, but once fossil fuels start to get phased out more eyes will be on other polluters. More people are finding out already. It's kind of hard to get lots of public support quickly for change when popular science media are not telling people. It wouldn't take long to boost hemp production worldwide, but we need need media talking, not ignoring solutions that can help with climate change when we need it more than ever now. Lots of food crops are grown to feed livestock. Current trends are not sustainable, can media stop trying to justify it already this is 2023, we live in a modern society, idea is to survive, not make more of our planet uninhabitable. We don't need meat to live, we evolved from herbivores during ice age cycles so people obviously adapted to survive, our climate is changing now but instead of freezing the ice caps are melting and we are in another survival situation, we need to change for survival of not just our species, but others, and fast. I've been vegan well over a decade now, I'm in good health, there are way more choices today and the Beyond Chicken is awesome, if lots more chickens keep dying of more bird flu and other viruses, the people against Beyond Meat will be thankful Beyond Chicken products exist.
I made the sustainability documentary
Antimatter Future, notice popular science media aren't talking about how we can have more efficient antimatter propulsion? Don't they care about science? Do some research, antimatter is very expensive to make in particle accelerators right now, I showed science in the film to make cheaper antimatter in space, with science references. Why are popular scientists and science media undermining solutions to climate change? By doing that, less people in the public will take science seriously, monkey see monkey do, people see popular science being hypocrites, well people think who cares and the issue gets ignored, climate change keeps getting worse, they keep supporting the industry that is one of the leading causes of climate change! I am 37 years old, I got to experience some parts in my life when the cost of living was affordable, over a decade ago I used to drive a car, and rented a 2 bedroom apartment for $700 a month with a friend, which would now rent for about over $1500 today. I got to experience regular winters and summers, spring and fall, I'm seeing the climate change before my eyes in the past 10 years things have got visibly worse, in my experience things are worse, climate change deniers don't believe the science, I'd say to them forget the science, just in experience in January in Canada this year it rained most of the month, in Canada. That's not normal. No science needed to see something isn't right, although it is sad with so much science people can still be ignorant. It's becoming more common, so many Christmas seasons didn't have snow or little snow.
The climate is changing faster than scientists anticipated, don't you think the reasonable thing to do is stop supporting industries causing problems, and start supporting what heals the environment? Scientists and science media need to lead by example, not be the example of what not do do. Hemp used to be common, it was banned because of misinformation a long time ago, and actually the US government encouraged hemp farming in World War 2 for the war effort. Hemp can be made into clothes, building materials, biofuels, biogas, bioplastics and more! Lots of countries still burn coal, hemp burns cleaner than coal, why isn't Big Think talking about this during a climate crisis? I'm tired of these popular people not being called out for helping be why this planet isn't making as much progress, they are literally telling people not to worry about the meat industry and just consumption needs to decrease. By talking about the points they did and bringing up jobs (livelihoods) they are essentially tying together peoples livelihoods with the meat industry so why would people consume less when it would impact peoples livelihoods? See the confusion this can add to the situation someone reads the article, gets the idea the meat industry is useful and we need to consume less and people rely on it for food and their lives, how much less? 1 less burger a week or only eat meat once or twice a week? They don't say. Why not mention it's healthier to eat vegan all the time and not support animal abuse? Lots of plant based foods taste great now.
To avoid catastrophic climate change the public need to eliminate, or at the very least drastically reduce meat consumption by around 90%, it's ironic people will oppose that then in the near future the same people will complain prices keep increasing and they can only afford to eat it once a week. The rest of the world developing want to adopt that diet too, these trends are not sustainable. It's not rocket science, climate change causes more heat and diseases can spread easier which can kill many animals making meat production less productive. The UN could make a difference helping encourage hemp farming instead of encouraging destroying the planet, so many peoples lives could be improved worldwide! Many people worldwide do not know about hemp, and would probably if given the choice rather grow that than have to kill an animal that takes even longer to get food from. Hemp is banned in many countries worldwide or restricted in a lot of others. That is corruption when people with authority help cause the climate crisis they talk about, ignore solutions that can make a difference now. Popular media such as Big think have "authority" as being trusted by a number of people for science, not everyone is a scientist able to read their article and see the bad journalism, during a climate crisis!
So we have a popular media source, Big Think, literally having published misleading information not helping people come to accurate conclusions, leaving out sustainable alternatives and science from the article that could have helped alter the course instead of leaving people in the dark. I don't reach a fraction of the people they do.