Misinformation kills. People know cigarettes kill a lot of people, but by the numbers, heart disease is the leading killer in the United States, and meat products are linked to other health problems. A lot of people are dying from meat worldwide. The myth that people need meat is still somehow common, it's sad how people laugh at healthy eating when so many people die from unhealthy food, a complete disconnect from having any empathy for all the people who die from preventable health problems. Barely anyone grows their own edible garden anymore. How is it socially acceptable to not care about why so many people are dying and getting so many health problems? In 2015
the cancer research arm of the World Health Organization (WHO) determined the consumption of processed meats such as hotdogs, ham, sausages and meat-based sauces causes colorectal cancer, while eating red meat like beef, pork and lamb is "probably carcinogenic to humans." Meat products are causing so many health problems, and cause taxpayers billions of dollars a year. If cigarettes are labelled as cancer causing, meat products should have warnings on them may lead to the various health problems associated with eating meat. Cannabis has warning and cannabis isn't killing people, meat is, no warnings on meat. People forget we evolved from herbivores and survived ice age cycles where people had to adapt to the new colder climate, plants weren't as abundant or easy to grow. Were in a different survival situation today where humans are melting ice caps that have been thick for millions of years are melting faster. The meat industry is one of the biggest polluters worldwide methane is more potent than CO2 and waste water run off causes dead zones in the oceans. There isn't enough land to ethically raise animals for food and treat animals with respect and freedom.
So many young people are dying of health problems related to eating meat products. Pollution may cause a lot of deaths and health problems, genetics can sometimes be why, but diet can cause a lot of health problems. Why is unhealthy eating socially acceptable when so many people are dying? Society gets that moving away from fossil fuels and poison industries are important, well some people push back and still support poison industries with total disregard how many people will end up getting health problems, or die. People might complain about warnings on meats and increased prices, but meat is not a necessity, people can buy plant based burgers, don't need meat. Meat is addictive so we literally have a society addicted and destroying our only planet, turning a blind eye to a large amount of people dying from health problems caused by meat. Warnings on cigarettes helps educate the public, right now the public seem to get the idea meat is healthy when it's clearly not. We have solutions to save millions of lives, clean up Earths atmosphere, make fossil fuels obsolete, and make everything biodegradable from hemp, almost everything, clothes, dressers, beds, biofuels, building materials, hemp burns cleaner than coal, much of the world still uses coal. Hemp can be made into more sustainable wind turbines instead of using so many metals and toxic building materials. Having a sustainable cycle of hemp can create a sustainable cycle of plants healing the environment, breathing in CO2 during the energy production cycle. I don't think hemp energy will replace wind or solar, it should compliment it, but it's not even an option right now. Why aren't lots of people sharing this kind of information that can make a difference and save lives?
Daily Antarctic sea ice extent—the area of the Southern Ocean with at least 15 percent sea ice concentration—across the satellite record from 1979-2023. 2023 is bright blue, red is 2022. All other years in the satellite record (1979–2021) are light gray-blue. Graph by NOAA Climate.gov/NSIDC
I don't know about you but the more people I hear die early in life makes me sad, how can people not care? Even about their own well being? When people don't even care for themselves I don't think they are thinking of others either. The impact humans are having on our only planet Earth is literally killing our planet, melting ice caps that have been thick for millions of years and used to have more ice, pollution, less people grow a garden at home. In February 2023, sea ice around Antarctica reached the lowest extent ever observed. It would not take much effort if people shared truth for information to save lives and make a difference soon, things keep getting worse the more people ignore truth.
Map by NOAA Climate.gov, based on data from NSIDC.
I've been advocating the same solutions for over a decade the public clearly aren't talking about much considering what's mainstream. I've seen how little support people give to actually caring about saving the planet and all life. I barely have any friends who even care to even watch, let alone share and let others know the sustainability documentary Antimatter Future can literally save the world, we just need more people to know.

We can save millions of lives with the solutions in Antimatter Future, this is not even a joke. CBC get my tax dollars and won't even report on the solutions! Misinformation is popular, truth isn't. Help change that, every person who cares is another step closer towards saving all life on Earth, this just isn't about us. If humans continue to destroy our only planet and die off, with all the nuclear sites that require human oversight to not leak radiation or cause meltdowns, this planet would likely become completely uninhabitable with nowhere to hide and no ability to evolve. Some people seem to be cheering on the destruction of our planet, psychos like that can sound very convincing making it seem like with an abundance of guns hunting will be easy, when in reality there is so little wildlife, some areas with all the people who eat meat and would go hunting there wouldn't be any more wildlife left in the first day in a survival collapse scenario, those people are planning for failure. Conspiracy theorists have been hyping up a collapse for over a decade promoting survival gear and stuff. Barely anyone grows their own gardens anymore, and hemp seeds have more protein by weight than meat or fish, obviously don't need meat to live but lots of people believe misinformation that you need meat to live, even when it's killing people. Seems people are addicted to meat, from my experience when I went vegan over a decade ago quitting meat was hard it felt like I was going to die but I was fine, there are so many tasty options today that remind me of when I used to eat meat. Beyond Chicken is amazing!
The planet can't support the growing demand for meat, meat production is not sustainable it uses a lot of water compared to how plants use way less water to grow more protein that can feed way more people on the same size land. In the United States most of the water is used by the meat industry than any other industry. I notice conspiracy culture seem genocidal lately,
wanting to eradicate trans people genocidal, but society in general is ignoring the impacts of the meat and fossil fuel industries have destroying our planet like a giant concentration camp killing people. It's shocking how generally most people I know seem to think they got life figured out eating meat as food, meat consumption is set to double and there is already a water crisis, billions of people each year live in water scarcity, some cases the meat or dairy industry get water and people can't get clean drinking water. Right now several provinces in Canada, and U.S. states had cities and whole areas declare water emergencies and limit peoples water usage. Ground water aquifers are kinda not doing so well in many countries. The meat industry is literally a breeding ground for disease, countless chickens were killed this year for bird flu. If only more meat eaters were honest, people don't have to quit meat to admit they don't need meat to live, would be better if people just stopped supporting animal abuse and went vegan, but we can't even get some people to accept that they don't need meat to live, it's habit, not something people need. Why aren't we using hemp yet for more? Such a great resource undermined, the UN is literally opposed to healing the environment during a climate crisis. This is unacceptable! Nobody can get high on hemp.
Antarctic sea ice reaches an early winter record low in June 2023
The water footprint of poultry, pork and beef: A comparative study in different countries and production systems
New UN report links processed meats to cancer in humans; red meat also likely to cause the disease