More to Gender in Nature

Science shows us people are born LGBTQ+. There are several animal species that exist that don't follow the gender binary that people were taught in school at a young age. Some species are intersex, in fact some species can transition from male to female or from female to male. Clownfish are a species of fish where schools of fish have a hierarchy, with a dominant female at the top, the top male is basically used by the female for mating. When the female dies, the top male then transitions from male to female and grows slightly larger in size.


Female Hyenas are known to have testes and a penis where they urinate from like males, the female penis is actually an enlarged clitoris which is refereed to as a pseudo-penis in biology. In the African Journal of Ecology 5 wild female lions were observed with developing masculine traits and grew a mane, it is a rare phenomenon but documented in nature.

It's clear nature doesn't just believe there is only male or female, the question is, why do people ignore how in the animal kingdom how there is more to gender than just being male or female?


Transgender is a term which is used to describe people who have a gender identity different than the gender assigned at birth. Gender dysphoria is a term used to describe the distress transgender people can experience feeling in the wrong body and usually becomes bad at puberty. Trans women and trans men transition to feel more comfortable with their body and expressing themselves, everyone deserves to be happy in their own body. Feeling born in the wrong body for a long time and trying to hide it can cause mental distress, nobody should be ashamed at expressing themselves, yet LGBT+ people face discrimination, hate and violence around the world. Many transgender people go on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) which helps with gender dysphoria. Everyone deserves to be happy and trans people feel happier when their body better fits their identity. There are many different categories in which transgender people identify as. Transgender is an umbrella term since there is a wide variety of transgender people.

All embryos for all mammals including humans, start out as female. It is known DNA is not always perfect at writing instructions, in fact some people are born with an extra chromosome, and intersex people exist. DNA expression is unique, we can only photograph chromosomes during a DNA transitional phase. Scientists found receptors in the brain responsible for making the brain masculine, without a surge of testosterone in the womb when the brain is developing, the brain is biologically feminine, when the body is different than the mind it causes gender dysphoria.

Transgender individuals are often born with physical characteristics of one sex, but identify as the opposite sex, the brain or body are developed unique at birth. Not all transgender people start Hormone Replacement Therapy, and not everyone gets surgery, but some do. Some people just like to crossdress and not start any hormones, but for many that only slightly helps reduce gender dysphoria and isn't enough to be happy. Some people do not transition out of financial, personal or medical reasons, anti-trans bullies often make transitioning a harder decision.

For many transgender people, expressing your true self can be challenging to overcome, some need to find time to be alone to feel comfortable, expressing inner feelings isn't always easy, but feels right. Self expression is a basic human right, or should be in places it's not. Gender identity is different than sexual orientation, a trans person can be attracted to the opposite sex, or the same. It's not uncommon to hear of sexual orientation changing after medically transitioning on HRT.

Some cultures in history have recognized transgender people while many have been suppressed, killed or subject to inhumane treatment by people. Around the world transgender people face discrimination, hate, violence, sexual abuse and physical abuse just for being who they are. Some may be open and honest about being transgender while many live in fear and suppress their feelings, sometimes leading to trauma, mental distress and depression. Transgender people have been shown to show a high rate of suicide and depression, discrimination doesn't help. Trans care saves lives.

For serious surgeries related to transitioning it is highly recommended to really make sure it's not a rushed decision. You need to be sure and comfortable with asking questions and know it's something you won't regret in the future. There is no shame no matter what decision you make.

Transgender people often get criticized for sports but the facts remain that cis-women hold the records in almost every sport at the elite level. A science based approach is best and if it's found trans women have an advantage in a specific sport then something can be worked out to have a handicap to not discriminate against transgender people for the pursuit of happiness. Transgender people would already be dominating the Olympics if there was much of an advantage, one trans person holds a gold record in the Olympics for many years now there should already be many trans people dominating almost all sports in the Olympics if the anti-trans misinformation had any merit. Trans men are able to defeat cis-gender men in physical sports, by the logic of the anti-trans misinformation trans men should lose bad, but that's not the case at all.

Use some common sense here, why should trans women be denied sport because we are born in the wrong body? Trans women are not men. Puberty blockers can help prevent any claimed advantage, yet extremists have got trans care for kids banned in several authoritarian states and governments. Kids who aren't trans go on puberty blockers, you don't see anyone opposed to some cis-gender kids from going on puberty blockers. There is a long progress for trans kids to get trans care. Studies have not found any significant advantage with trans women in sports, more science could help further settle the debate yet people against trans rights are trying to create conditions where more science won't be legal in some places. People against trans rights have a lack science or morals to back up their arguments and often discriminate based on religious belief that ignores modern science.

Do Animals Have Gender?
Sex Change in Clownfish: Molecular Insights from Transcriptome Analysis
Rare observation of the existence and masculine behaviour of maned lionesses in the Okavango Delta, Botswana
Brain masculinization requires androgen receptor function
Sexual differentiation of the human hypothalamus: Relationship to gender identity and sexual orientation

Effects of Hormone Replacement Therapy

Male to Female
- Emotional and mental changes
- Breast development
- Softening of skin, decreased oiliness
- Body fat redistribution
- Decreased muscle mass and strength
- Thinned and slowed growth of hair on the body and face
- Decreased testicular volume & libido
- Decreased sperm
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Female to Male
- Skin oiliness
- Deepened voice
- Body fat redistribution
- Increased muscle mass and strength
- Hair growth on the body and face
- Clitoral enlargement
- Infertility
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Some people who transition report a change in sexual preference, but not everyone who transitions changes their sexual preference.